Fuel economy:
Fuel economy of a vehicle refers to the efficiency of the fuel and the relationship between the distance traveled by the vehicle and the amount of fuel consumed or distance traveled per unit volume of fuel consumed.
Fuel efficient vehicles:
As per the American Council for an Energy Efficiency Economy annual vehicle rating guide, the vehicles that have achieved minimum of 40 green score are fuel efficient.
Ways to improve the mileage of fuel efficient vehicles:
As the fuel rates are increasing day by day it is necessary to maintain fuel economy. Here are few ways that can improve fuel economy:
- If you are in the traffic waiting for more than few minutes then it is better to shutdown your vehicles engine. This saves fuel consumption.
- Try to close the windows of your vehicle because if the windows are down the engine will have more burden to work as it creates the aerodynamics drag.
- Never warm up your vehicle.
- Go slow and steady. If you move fast it will lead to more consumption of fuel.
- Quick acceleration is not recommended.
- Air pressure of the tiers must be checked frequently.
- The load of the vehicle should be reduced.
- While you are changing the oil, make sure that the oil filter is clean otherwise replace it with new one which can save 10% of fuel cost.
The motor oil recommended by your manufacturer can help your vehicle improve fuel economy and use quality fuel.
- Try to change the driving style of your vehicle and maintain it in a proper manner.
These are some of the ways which will help you to reduce the fuel economy of your vehicle and this is how you can improve the efficiency of the fuel. You can also have a great change by changing the oils with alternative fuels which are mentioned below.
Uses of alternative fuels:
Alternative fuels that help your vehicle to improve fuel economy are low polluting fuels, non-gas fuels such as compressed natural gas, electricity, hydrogen, methanol, ethanol and liquid gases. The usage of synthetic oil saves 5% gas on an average.
Using alternative fuels will not only improve fuel economy but they are also nature friendly and causes less pollution which will help the environment.