How to Prevent Dental Caries?

Dental caries is a common dental problem many people face. It’s also known as dental decay or tooth decay. It occurs when food that contains sugar and starch is taken in high amounts. The bacteria in the mouth consume this kind of food and form acid. The acid attacks the teeth. Repeated attacks start breaking down the enamel, the outer-most layer of a tooth. This can lead to a major cavity in the tooth. A piece of good news is that dental problem can be prevented. This article discusses how to prevent dental caries/cavities.

Following are ways to prevent dental cavities:

  • Brushing after each meal: Brushing twice a day is a good practice to maintain oral hygiene. It is advisable to brush after each meal. This has a major effect on fighting cavities. See to it that you use a toothpaste that contains appropriate amount of fluoride because fluoride helps in making teeth strong.
  • Rinsing your mouth: There are many mouthwashes available in the market. These mouthwashes are clinically proven for reducing plaque. Rinsing your mouth with these mouthwashes after eating helps prevent cavities.
  • Visiting the dentist regularly: Generally, cavities do not show any signs in the early stage and can only be detected by dental professionals. Visiting the dentist every six months and getting the teeth cleaned by them plays a major role in preventing cavities/tooth decay.
  • Considering dental sealants: This involves applying a protective shield like coating to the surface of the back teeth. These sealants help in protecting the teeth from cavities. Sealants are more commonly used in children as they will be growing permanent teeth. Sealants are beneficial for adults as well.
  • Avoiding frequent snacking: Eating or drinking frequently without drinking enough water leads to feeding the bacteria in the mouth that create acid. Water helps in washing away of left over food, which will otherwise can leave your teeth surface clogged up with food. If you snack frequently, it is similar to keeping your teeth under constant attack.
  • Avoiding sugary and starchy diet: Avoid diet that contains high amount of sugar and starch. This is because bacteria in your mouth react with such kind of food and forms acid. This acid attacks the tooth which can breakdown the tooth’s surface that can progress to more serious one.
  • Avoid eating or drinking right before going to bed: Finally, to prevent cavities, it is important to avoid consuming food that contains carbohydrates before going to bed. This is done because there is no production of saliva when you sleep and your mouth becomes dry. Dry mouth makes teeth prone to decay.