The booting seems to be long and boring process these days. So researchers are working to give the world with a very low booting time. Two Intel Engineers were successful to bring down the booting time to as low as 5 seconds. When I heard this, I checked on the booting time of my system.
This PC was exhibited at the Linux Plumbers Conference where its booting time was trimmed from 50 seconds to 5 seconds. The secret was cutting out different boot elements that either aren’t necessary for net book users or whose function is replicated elsewhere. Many of these are not needed by 99% of users. For example, Fedora starts “sendmail”, a process which adds two seconds to the boot time and is only needed if you are running your own mail server. On a laptop, even for nerdy power users, this is unlikely. And while two seconds doesn’t sound much, if you add a few of these together you end up with a lot of wasted time.
So these people worked a lot to cut these booting time wasters and could make it to 5 seconds. But this PC works only on Linux OS. So, it might not help most of us who don’t use Linux.