You should start planning well in advance if you are moving into new apartment. When you’re looking to find a mover, ask someone who is in recent times moved to recommend a decent mover to you. Once you have your selected companies in mind, obtain written estimates from them. Be sure the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) licensed the moving company. Without a license, it’s illegal for them to move for profit. PUC movers will have insurance to cover for accidental breakage. Make sure the movers visit your home and see the contents before they place bid. Find out in advance what your payment options are before making your final decision. Some movers may ask cash to cover the cost of the move. Decide if you are going to pack your items or you want movers to do packing. Alternatively, trash, sell, or donate your extra possessions.
After you select your mover, be sure to set the move date at least 1 – 2 months in advance. Also, moving companies usually won’t move pets and sometimes even houseplants, so be sure to schedule arrangements for both if you need to. A lot of moving companies have free pamphlets you can read that are informative and helpful when it comes to planning and making your move. At least 2 weeks before your move, be sure to call the gas, electric, phone, water, garbage collection, and cable television companies in both your new and old location. You’ll want your utilities transferred instead of shut-off. You’ll avoid any reconnect fees and you won’t have to wait for installers.