Want to Know About Root Canal Therapy?

Endodontic dentistry is a branch of dentistry which is concerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the diseases affecting dental pulp, root and periodical tissues surrounding the root of a tooth. This dentistry can also be named as conservative dentistry. Inside of the tooth, endodontic treatment is performed.

When the tooth pulp is affected and inflamed, endodontic treatment is necessary in order to avoid severe pain and loss of teeth. If this is left untreated, it can cause deep tooth decay, crack in a tooth, dental abscess and dental caries etc,. There are many procedures involved in the endodontic dentistry such as root canal therapy, surgery, treating cracked teeth and dental trauma to treat diseases of teeth pulp. Based on the severity of the disease, appropriate treatment is given. Most common is the root canal treatment is used for the pulp related diseases in teeth and it makes the teeth to full function and appearance in an aesthetically pleasing manner.

Root canal treatment is required due to pulp infection and root canal damage to the pulp that can’t be fixed. The root canal is a place where pulp will reside. The goal of root canal treatment is to save the tooth by removing the infected or damaged pulp and the bacteria that are causing bacteria and filling the empty root canals.
Dentist will determine whether you require this treatment or not by examining with some tests on your tooth pulp. Then treatment is started. Before treating the pulp, it is cleaned by the dental solutions to make the root canal wider in order to fill with material like gotta-percha along with cement to hold the tooth. And then the tooth is restored in the position where it is required. Then the tooth capped (crowned) is ready for full functioning.

You may find that you have some discoloring in the tooth that has been treated, although this is less common now as techniques have advanced. However, if your tooth does discolor, you may be able to have treatment to correct it.

After treatment it’s important that you take care of your repaired tooth as you would do. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and visit your dentist regularly.