Special Fruits to be Eaten in Summer

Summer is characterized by hot temperature and dry air. This type of climate normally affects body organs and disrupts their normal functioning. We can observe many parts of our body becoming dry and pale with the affect of hot temperature.

To avoid our body from being affected by the heat and dryness it is important to take foods that cool and provide moistening nature. Following are some fruits that are special to be eaten in summer.

Watermelons: Watermelons are rich sources of vitamin C, potassium and pectin. These are low in calories. It is good for health if you eat regularly in summer. Store uncut fruit in a cool place while cut watermelon must be stored in cool place by wrapping paper around it.

Peaches: These are rich sources of beta-carotene, potassium and contain low amounts of vitamin C. While buying choose bright coloured peach with smooth skin and sweet smell. These fruits can ripe at room temperature in summer. It is generally considered to store the ripe ones and eat it within five days.

Strawberries: This is the favorite of all the summer fruits. These are sources of vitamin C, potassium and iron. These contain low amounts of calories. It is generally considered to store the fruit without cutting the stem of the fruit. While buying these fruits, choose the one which is more red in colour without any white or green spots.

Apricots: This is a soft juicy fruit seen in yellow-orange colour in its ripen form. These fruits are also rich sources of potassium and magnesium. Store unripe fruit for up to two days. Before eating the fruits, rinse and wash with cool water.

Thus, there are different kinds of fruits like cherries, blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries etc keeps your body cool in summer.